A place to make hope
For children
For adults
And for the bright future!

Our motives to confront educational
and social issues today.

Lack of environment for adults to deeply interact with the children

Lack of environment for real communication

People are loosing their own voice/goals by the overwhelming amount of information

Lack of opportunities to attain mutual understanding ability in order to adapt rapid globalization

Limitation on the future by the place, country and environment that people are given birth

To provide a place
Where children and adults
Can believe in their selves
Can have hope
Can have goal
And gain strength to live
with strong will
Regardless of any circumstances.

Reale World ビジョン

Our Vision

To create a society where everyone
In the world respect each other,
And live their own talent.

Reale World ミッション

Our Mission

To produce young leaders
That can guide children.

The Active Ground

From the Omuro Plateau of Shizuoka to throughout Japan, and to the world!
Our interactions does not remain in Japan.
We are stretching our projects and programs to
Perform at the grounds of Japan, Nepal and throughout the world.

A message from the chairman
of the board

To pass on a world full of joy, full of “hope,”
to the next generation

代表理事 三好 彩

Aya Miyoshi
Chairman of the board
Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation

Our activity has started and is based on the activity of fair trade shop that we opened in 2004. It now then has become a certified non-profit corporation to provide variety of projects, but the core belief in every action has always been on making a “hope” for children.

“Hope” is the strength to live.

With “hope”, one can seek the strength to live with joy in any circumstance. If adults can show how to live with hope and to be joyful in their life, children can learn to seek gratitude, make effort and feel joy in their own life.

No matter how different the world may change, we will always have “hope” to take variety of approaches and move forward with joy. We understand it is our duty to be this way in order for us to create “hope” and allow children to live with ”hope.”

It is our deepest desire that we come together with everyone to make these activities brim over with “hope” and pass on a world full of joy to the next generation.

Recommendation Letter

川澄 奈穂美 さん プロサッカー選手
川澄 奈穂美 さん


続木 智彦 さん 西南学院大学(福岡市)サッカー部監督
続木 智彦 さん

レアーレワールドのサポートで、私どものサッカー部の野村勇太が2020年モンゴルのプロサッカーリーグ2部と契約を結びました。 代表理事の三好さんをはじめ、たくさんの方々にご支援をいただき、この度、野村は大...

横山 紀和 さん ペルジャール事業代表/アヴェルダージ熊本BS所属(ビーチサッカーチーム)
横山 紀和 さん
